WeatherG is an interdisciplinary research initiative, which aims to understand physical-law based chain effect of the weather impact on power network. Our research efforts, thus far, have focused on enhancement of electric grid resilience during hurricanes.
Our Mission
Appropriate integration of weather forecast in grid operation and planning requires expertise in a number of areas, including weather forecast, structural analysis, and power systems. At WeatherG, an interdisciplinary team, with expertise from atmospheric science, civil engineering, and electrical engineering, collaborates to make this possible.
Leading Team Member
Dr. Zhaoxia Pu Dr. Ge Ou Dr. Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani
The atmospheric sciences team, led by Dr. Zhaoxia Pu, develops high-resolution weather forecast models to provide appropriate input data to the rest of the team.
The civil engineering team, led by Dr. Ge Ou, takes the weather forecast data and estimates the failure probability of grid elements.
The electrical engineering team, led by Dr. Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani, employs the failure probabilities and include them within the power system operation and planning models.